


We are back at the Wall with Jon Snow negotiation with Mance Rayder for piece, but that won’t happen because Stannis and Sir Davos come ridding in and save the day. Mance refuses the offer to have his men saved because the wildlings do not bend the knee and Jon gives Stanis some advice.

and now their watch is ended, we attend the cremation of the fallen Brothers of the Nights Watch. Jon takes Ygritte’s body beyond The Wall to burn her were she belongs. And you can see the pain on his face like nothing you have ever seen on him.

the sight of the Heart Tree was one of the more beautiful shots this season has offered us. And then creepy dead people coming out of the ground. And is it just me or does any one else want to watch Jason and the Argonauts now? Bran takes the wheel for Hodor again,to give the, a fighting chance. Jojen gets a very enthused stabbing and little creepy girl tells them to go with her the terminator will kill them (ya I know my pop culture references are all of the place tonight, but that’s what its like inside my brain). They are brought underneath the tree, into its root system, and boy does it look damp. The three eyed raven is an old man, who announces taht Bran will never walk again… But he will fly.

King’s Landing

The Mountain lies dying, Pycell believes that he can not be saved for the poison, but Qyburn, who you may remember treated Jaime’s hand, is not of the same mind. Cersei is fitting he fate in the only way she knows how by begging and pleading and when that doesn’t work, threats! As it turns out, she realizes that Tywin never believed about the incest that happened between herself and Jaime. She announces that it is true, and that if it is what she has to do to get out of marrying into the Tyrell she will confirm to the world that it is true. She then goes to Jaime, and tells him all about it. She is clearly manipulating hm, but he either can’t tell or doesn’t care.

Jaime goes to Tyrion’s cell and sets him free, they make their way down a corridor and say their goodbyes. Its a short moment but its a touching one. Tyrion finds himself in his old room. the Tower of the Hand of the King. The person he finds in bed is not who he expected. If Shae hadn’t managed to rip his heart out in one clean tug, she has gotten the job done now. And her murder is totes understandable. He grabs a cross bow off of the wall and finds his father in the Loo. Tywin tries to talk his way out of a bolt through the heart, but Tyrion has had enough. Also, it is almost like Tywin has no clue on how to speak to his son, he should know what the buttons not to push are, but well his death may shock some, but really after everything he has done to Tyrion, who can blame him? Pycell shows up just then and takes him to a nice big boat to be taken across the narrow sea.


Dany learns that the homeless shelters that she has created for the former slaves are as unwelcome in Meereen as they are in North America. The gentleman before her asks that he be allowed to sell himself back to his former master. She agrees to let him sign a contract, since she believes that all people should make their own choices in life. And then she is faced the the fact that her beloved dragons have killed humans, children. She chains them in so that they must stay in the catacombs of the city. The look on her face… I could feel her heart breaking.


Brienne discovers Arya practicing her water dancing. They have this really nice lady warrior moment. And Brienne realize who she has been talking to when the Hound comes out of hiding.the Hound actually seems to try and be protecting Arya. FIGHT! The thing about the Hound is that he is willing to fight dirty, so just as it seems that he is beat and going to be let go because of mercy and blah blah blah, he does what he does best. But in the end he gets punched in the balls and has his ear Mike Tysoned. And he falls down the cliff. But it is all for nothing because they can’t find Arya after the battle is done. Arya goes to find the Hound, he is badly wounded, and is going to die.But Arya still won’t go with Brienne, she also doesn’t kill the Hound even after a very valiant effort on his part.

Arya finds a boat of her own, and asks to be taken to the North, to the Wall, but is told they are going to Braavos. She hands over her coin and says the words that I have been waiting to hear. The ones that are the tag line to Season 4, “Valar morghulis”, all men must die. And off she goes, and so ends another season!

Next week starts the last season of True Blood, see you then!

Lets be clear the comment section is a spoiler freeish zone. What that means is you can discuss anything that has happened on the TV show thus far. If you have read the books, and you spoil anything for the rest of us. I will hunt you down and make you watch all the Twilight Movies in marathon with no breaks Clockwork Orange style.